Monday, June 14, 2010

Blog Guilt

Yes I have it! It has been about 6 weeks since I have updated. So I will do a catch up post then a photo post.

Luke- Finished Spring Soccer and had a blast. At least we didn't have a bunch of rain outs to make up. Started T-Ball which actually overlapped Soccer. His last game will be tomorrow night. He has been great this season. I love watching him play. Greg has been an assistant coach again this year. They only have 6 games so season goes by really fast. Luke has enjoyed the batting cages and that practice has really helped him. I am looking forward to next Spring.

He lost his second tooth exactly 7 days after his first. He was very excited. He is enjoying riding his new bike and it is shocking how good he is at it too.

He graduated from Kindergarten- I don't have any photos yet because I couldn't manage a camera and Aniston (more on that below). Also he received a 50 pt AR award which means over 100 books were read since January. Some he was able to read entirely and some we read to him. He was tested on every one of those!

Dad- just working and helping with Luke's activities. He had a business trip and the kids, my friend, and I had a good time while he was away.

Mom-same stuff here. I did complete an on line camera class and managed to walk away with a few awards which landed me free tuition!

Aniston- she has had lots of activity. She seemed to be sick the entire winter with ear infections or some type of tonsillitis or fever--- constantly. She had her tonsils and adenoids out on March 24th along with PET Tubes for her ears. We discharged to soon and ended up being readmitted two days later. Which was the afternoon of Luke's graduation. Once again we got dehydrated and had to readmit for a third time. What a rough road for our little Mouse! She is currently suffering with a sinus infection right on the heels of recovering from surgery. We pray this ends soon and our sweetie returns.

She loves "mouse minnie" or that is what she calls her anyway. I can't believe she is 23 months old. Man time has flown. Many days I wish her back to a baby and some I look forward to college! I cried at Luke's graduation those kids were so precious. His teacher cried and that was moving. We realized during Aniston's illness how fortunate we were to have Luke in a school where they prayed for all of us every day. Parents emailed to ask how she was. We believe in the power of prayer! Luke did so well being shuffled during the hospitalizations. I stayed with Aniston and Greg and my Mom rotated being with me. Greg worked as much as possible. This surgery was very difficult because of her age but was necessary. We are also very fortunate to have a world famous Children's Hospital 35 minutes away.

She is stringing words together now and says, "I see you" and "do own self" quite a lot. Also, she says "get away" and "go" to her brother when he bugs her.

Hopefully, this caught you up on A HOUSE OF POTTS!

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